Rand Paul Locks Horns with Dr Anthony Fauci

Less than a week after he claimed he doesn’t need a mask because he’s immune to the coronavirus, Senator Rand Paul took on infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, telling him he’s not “the end-all.”

The confrontation took place during a Senate hearing on Tuesday after Fauci said lifting coronavirus restrictions too quickly could cause a resurgence. “As much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don’t think you’re the end-all,” Paul said. “We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there’s not going to be a surge.”

In response to the verbal attack, Fauci said he’s “never made myself out to be the end-all,” adding he’s also given advice that was based on “the best scientific evidence.”

Source: https://thepoliticalinsider.com/rand-paul-slams-blanket-lockdowns-tells-fauci-hes-not-the-end-all/
