Arizonans Bring Body Bags to Protest End of Coronavirus Restrictions

Following demonstrations in a number of U.S. states over coronavirus restrictions, a group of people in Arizona on Tuesday staged a protest for the opposite reason.

Lining the state Capitol’s lawn with body bags to represent COVID-19 fatalities, about a dozen Arizonans turned out to demand that Governor Doug Ducey extend the state’s coronavirus restrictions beyond Friday’s expiration date. “We need to properly combat the spread of coronavirus so that we can ensure a safe reopening of businesses, public spaces and schools so we don’t wind up with another 532 body bags,” said protestor Sharli Schaitberger, a retired health care worker.

The relatively small turnout was intentional, Schaitberger says. “We wanted to make it something quick and small that could allow proper social distancing,” she said. “We wanted our message about staying at home to stay consistent. And how could we do that with a huge crowd?”

