4-Foot Lizards Invade Georgia, threaten Native Wildlife

As health officials continue their battle against the coronavirus, a new threat has turned up in Georgia. And this one eats “anything they want,” experts say.

The Argentine black and white tegus — a type of lizard that can grow up to four and a half feet long — has been spotted in Toombs and Tattnall counties, says John Jensen of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The reptilian creatures, which aren’t native to the U.S., have been known to wreak havoc on native species and plants. “They eat just about anything they want, plant and animal matter,” Jensen says. “And one of their favorite foods are eggs from ground nesting animals, such as gopher tortoises, our protected state reptile.” The creatures also eat turkey and quail eggs, and often take over the homes of burrowing animals, Jensen adds.

Even the Orianne Society, which is dedicated to the conservation of reptiles, is concerned about the invasive creatures. Experts believe the tegus have evolved to survive Georgia’s cold winter months, meaning the population could soon get out of control. “It is critical to remove invasive species early in the invasion process to have the best chance of success,” the society says. “All sightings should be immediately reported.”

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tegus-lizard-giant-invasive-lizards-4-feet-long-georgia/
