Bull Knocks Out Electricity to 800 Homes by Scratching Butt on Power Pole

A bull with an itchy butt is being blamed for a power outage that left more than 800 homes in Scotland without electricity.

The 4-year-old bull, named Ron, attempted to relieve his “itchy bum” by rubbing it on a power pole, according to his owner, Hazel Laughton. In doing so, Ron knocked down an 11,000-volt transformer — cutting off electricity to three towns in South Lanarkshire, authorities say. It took three to four hours for power to be restored.

In a Facebook apology to her 800 neighbors, Laughton wrote, “He had an itchy bum so he scratched it on the electricity pole and knocked the transformer off. He’s just happy to be alive this morning after somehow escaping 11,000 volts and a large bump on the head.” She added she’s considering changing Ron’s name to “Sparky.”

Source: https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/14/bull-cuts-power-800-homes-scratching-itchy-bum-electricity-pole-12704097/
