Study Predicts US Coronavirus Resurgence will Claim Nearly 146K Lives

The coronavirus may have taken a backseat to the country’s widespread protests over racial equality, but researchers say it’s far from gone. A new study claims the virus could claim nearly 146,000 U.S. lives by August.

The grim prediction, made by researchers at the University of Washington, represents an increase of 5,000 over a study released by the university just three days ago.

The disturbing revelation, revealed Monday, comes as Texas reports a record high number of COVID-19 hospitalizations and 22 other states report increases in their total number of cases. Some infectious disease experts have predicted widespread protests in the U.S. will be responsible for a COVID-19 resurgence. Currently, the U.S. reports 1.9 million cases of COVID-19, with a death toll of 110,000, according to Johns Hopkins University.

