MLB Presents Counteroffer to Union: 80 Percent Salaries, 72-Game Season

In what’s turned out to be a fiercer battle than any regular season game could even hope for, Major League Baseball officials have made a counter-proposal in their negotiations with the players’ union that calls for a July 14th start date.

The counteroffer, which was obtained and published by the Associated Press, offers players 80 percent of their prorated salaries for the abridged 72-game season. In accordance with the proposed plan, players would receive 70 percent of their salaries for regular season games and the remaining 10 percent for playing in the postseason. Deputy Commissioner Dan Halem says the offer is the league’s “final proposal.” Players have been given until June 14th to respond, according to the paperwork.

The counteroffer was drawn up in response to a players proposal presented on Tuesday that called for an 89-game season and full prorated salaries. While the union has promised to consider the league’s latest attempt to get the season underway, a number of players have said they won’t budge on their demand for full prorated salaries.

