Federal Judge Says John Bolton Can Publish His Book

The publication of John Bolton’s book will continue after a federal judge, Royce Lamberth, declined a request to delay it. Judge Lamberth criticized Bolton saying although security concerns may be an issue he denied the injunction saying it wouldn’t be effective due to the widespread public knowledge of the book.

The president has publicly called out Bolton saying that he, “failed in his duty to protect America.” Bolton’s attorney Charles Cooper says that Bolton is being asked to do something he’s physically unable to do, saying the “speech cannot be unspoken.”

200,000 copies of “The Room Where It Happened,” have already been published and distributed for sale. David Morrell, the Justice Department lawyer, hopes to effect ebook and audiobook distributions.

On Tuesday (June 16) an emergency motion stating Bolton was required to wait for the White House to review the book due to his high-level security clearance. Bolton received confirmation that the book was conflict-free in April. Another investigation of Bolton’s book took place with a senior official, which isn’t normal according to Morrell but necessary given the “sensitive foreign policy matters during the administration he [Bolton] served.”

Although the government’s lawsuit is still pending, it will be up to Judge Lamberth to decide whether Bolton’s book has classified information and if Bolton followed the proper procedures of review.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/federal-judge-declines-order-delay-john-bolton-s-tell-all-n1231627
