Zoom No Longer Best Performing Stock

If you’re looking to invest in some work-from-home stock you may want to invest in something other than Zoom.

Although the company has helped people get through meetings during the pandemic, stock prices for the platform are falling.

The new kid on the block looks to be a company called Fastly which is a technology that helps view and retrieve digital content faster and includes clients like Shopify, Slack, and others.

As a matter of fact, Fastly shares soared 15% at the beginning of the week and 60% over the past seven trading days. It’s even moved past Zoom and is now the best performer among tech companies since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/22/zoom-is-no-longer-the-best-performing-work-from-home-stock.html
