(CHICAGO) –Former Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn wants an end to “double-dipping” by state legislators who are also on another public payroll . It was one of his first reform campaigns dating back to 1976. He tried again as governor, but says he was blocked by then-House Speaker Mike Madigan.
Quinn says the time to act is now, and points to the jury’s verdict in the convictions of four political insiders in the ComEd bribery case.
“Next year at this time, the former speaker of the house is going to be on trial in the ComEd trial for himself so it’s time to act ahead of that and not wait for something to happen down the road,” Quinn told WLS.
Quinn is proposing more than a half-dozen reforms including proposals to allow taxpayers to put referendum questions on the ballot without legislative intervention and to prohibit legislators from voting on issues in which they have a financial interest.
“It’s pretty clear from the testimony in the trial that jobs were being given out to friends of legislators. That’s a conflict of interest,” Quinn said in a news conference in Springfield following the verdict. “If you’re a legislator, your ethical duty is to the voters and the people in your district, not to provide special benefits to you and your friends.”
Other reforms being sought include keeping public officials convicted of corruption from receiving taxpayer-funded pensions, restrict campaign contributions from utilities and other monopolies, strengthen “revolving door” limits on legislators-turned-lobbyists and strengthen the maligned effectiveness of the Legislative Inspector General by providing the office with subpoena power.
This week it was unveiled that convicted former State Sen. Thomas Cullerton registered as a state lobbyist just 11 days after serving time on a corruption conviction.
(The AP contributed to this story)
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