Governor John Kasich: ‘America Divided or United’

Governor John Kasich has been a thorn in the side of President Donald J. Trump and is currently promoting his latest book ‘Two Paths: America Divide or United.’ Governor Kasich, who lost heavily to President Trump in the primary (with the exception of the Ohio primary, his home state) sounded off on both parties. “Democrats are celebrating and get great energy when the Republicans fail. That’s like having a sports team that gets all of its energy when some other team fails. You have to have your own ideas,” Kasich told WLS AM 890. “The politics in Washington is really one of the examples of the failure we’re seeing across the country.”

One of Kasich’s biggest problems with the current political climate is the act gerrymandering, but why would current elected officials work against themselves and their own self interests asked John Howell. “Well, first of all it gets back to values, doesn’t it? It gets back to who we are. I mean, How does Wells Fargo open phony accounts for customers? How does EpiPen jack up the prices? How does the media put cameras on an empty podium because they’re going to get ratings? It’s not just politics, it’s society itself,” Kasich explained.
