Chris Plante is a host on WLS from 9 until Rush and he doesn’t expect any real solutions to come for gun violence after the school shooting in Florida last week.
Sgt. Demetrick Pennie of the Dallas Police Department thinks social media needs to do more policing of its content to help prevent people from turning violent.
Roger Stone, purveyor of the political dark arts, doesn’t think the report that Rick Gates is accepting a plea deal with Robert Mueller is bad news for President Trump.
Seventeen people killed in a school shooting in Florida yesterday. State Rep. Scott Drury says Michael Madigan should resign. Plus, how to not to comport yourself on the radio.
Rep. Jeanne Ives is running against Governor Bruce Rauner in the gubernatorial primary and she defends her ad featuring a man in a dress that thanks Rauner for letting him use the girls’ bathroom.