Sirott and Murciano's Podcast

We Just Had to Get Out of the House

We Just Had to Get Out of the House

It’s opening night for Aladdin at the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago and Bob and Marianne need a getaway from our nightly Facebook Live casts from their basement and they’re hitting the town. It’s intermission but they have a few minutes to tell you how it’s going. Don’t miss the cool ceiling!

WATCH! – After A Week of Apologies We DESERVE Star Wars and a BREAK!

WATCH! – After A Week of Apologies We DESERVE Star Wars and a BREAK!

o much happened this week, United Airlines, the passenger’s family and lawyer speaking out, apologies from Sean Spicer, Pepsi, The Daily Mail. Bob and Marianne would like to leave you with ideas for what to watch on TV to relax. Don’t miss the new OFFICIAL first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi! A Tribute to Carrie Fisher is amazing. You’ll laugh at the Burger King commercial that had to be removed. And if you ever wanted to know how to build your own iPhone, watch Strange Parts.

United Passenger Dr. David Dao and Mr. T

United Passenger Dr. David Dao and Mr. T

There’s new information about United Airlines’ “re-accommodated” ticket holder. United CEO Oscar Munoz tries again to apologize and this time he may have finally gotten it right. Amm’s Limousine provides us with great service- take their limos instead of flying United- that’s Bob’s suggestion.
Mr. T was voted off Dancing with the Stars so our contest prize is a Mr. T talking keychain.
Bob gets a new haircut. Deborah Norville is on our Chicago WLS radio show tomorrow. We will also interview the woman who helped launch the careers of many SNL stars, the IO Theater’s Charna Halpern.