US Reports Deadliest Day for Coronavirus as States Reopen

The U.S. has now suffered it’s deadliest day during the Coronavirus outbreak. The World Health Organization, collecting and sharing data as of 4am Friday, reports that 2,909 people died from COVID-19 in a 24-hour period.

7 Things You’ll Never See at McDonald’s Ever Again

McDonald’s is making some changes that will most-likely become post-pandemic permanent, with the company already rolling out an all-new anti-virus designed restaurant in the Netherlands. Eat This, Not Tha t noted some things we’ll never see at Mickey D’s again, like: Bare floors without social-distancing floor decals and markers

‘Murder Hornets’ Find Way To The United States

Because 2020 couldn’t get any worse, The New York Times reports that a deadly, 2-inch insect called the “Murder Hornet” has made its way into the U.S. for the very first time.

Tom Hanks Virtual Commencement Speaker

Tom Hanks delivered the virtual commencement speech for the graduates of the Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures at Wright State University.

San Antonio Offers ‘Drive-Thru Zoo’

Just like zoos across the country, the San Antonio Zoo has been closed during the coronavirus pandemic. But this weekend it will offer animal lovers a ‘Drive-Thru Zoo’ experience.

Closed Restaurants Are A Boon For Burglars

With non-essential small businesses forced to shut in order to prevent the coronavirus from spreading further, many are now dealing with an uptick in burglaries.

FL Ordered Coroners to Stop Releasing Coronavirus Death Data

The Tampa Bay Times reports that the Florida Department of Health tried to stop a tally of Coronavirus deaths reported by 22 medical examiners from being released to the public. The newspaper started investigating after noticing that the medical examiner’s death tally from Coronavirus was 10% higher than the tally reported by Florida’s health department.

Dogs are Being Trained to Smell COVID-19 on People

The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine has researchers working to determine if dogs can smell COVID-19. Penn Vet is currently training eight dogs to sniff out the virus.

Bolton Book Delayed Again

Former national security adviser John Bolton’s memoir about working in the Trump White House has been delayed for a second time.