Bernie Sanders Vows to Stay in Election

Despite mounting pressure to drop out, a rep for Bernie Sanders on Tuesday said the Vermont senator plans to forge ahead with his presidential campaign, saying he’s willing to take on opponent Joe Biden in an April debate.

President signals possible change in course

As many American’s worry about putting food on the table in the midst of shutdowns, furloughs and layoffs, President Donald Trump Monday suggested that the US may soon ease COVID-19 recommendations.

Joe Biden To Start Considering Running Mates

As the Democrat Party starts to wind down the primary season and select their candidate, now comes the time to determine who else will be on the ticket.

Can COVID-19 Be Spread Through Gas Pumps?

Among the wild claims about coronavirus shared on social media is one about people catching it at the gas station. But is there any truth to what you’ve read on your newsfeed?

Canada And Australia Pull Athletes From 2020 Olympics

As the International Olympic Committee considers what to do about the 2020 Summer Games in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, at least two countries have withdrawn from the competition.