Will Heat Stop the Spread of New Virus? No One Really Knows

With Coronavirus now affecting every continent, except for Antarctica, there is hope that the virus will act like influenza as the weather warms up, however the World Health Organization’s emergency chief, Dr. Michael Ryan says the virus will “likely continue to spread in warmer weather and people shouldn’t assume that it will disappear in the Summer like the flu.”

CDC: 20,000 US Residents have Died from the Flu this Year

As panic over the coronavirus epidemic continues to grow, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a sobering reminder of another potentially lethal virus that’s making the rounds in the U.S.

Canada Introduces Legislation Banning LGBT Conversion Therapy

Canada is closer to banning LGBT conversion therapy. A new bill introduced would make it illegal for a minor to go into the so-called therapy. It would also be illegal to force someone against their will to undergo what Federal Justice Minister David Lametti called “therapy premised on a lie.”

Republican Mayor Drops Trump for Biden

Just ahead of Michigan’s Tuesday primary, the state’s fourth-largest mayor, Sterling Heights’ Republican Mayor Michael Taylor is endorsing Democratic hopeful Joe Biden.

Coronavirus Flu Camp Could Earn You $4,500

Need to make some cash and want to know what it’s like to get injected with the world’s most talked-about pathogen? Then look no further than to Queen Mary Bio-Enterprises in London, which is looking for 24 “human guinea pigs” to get injected with the Wuhan Coronavirus and participate – in what has to be the worst vacation ever – flu camp.

Keep Touching Your Face? Pet Store Suggests Cones for Coronavirus

We use them to keep our dogs from scratching and biting their injuries, why not use ’em to prevent us from touching our faces amid fears over the Coronavirus? A pet store owner in Beverly Hills thinks a cone of shame would be a great way to keep our own paws off our faces!

Cory Booker Endorses Joe Biden

Add Cory Booker to the list of former 2020 hopefuls endorsing Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination.