Researchers Directly Measure The ‘Cheerios Effect’

Perhaps you’ve noticed as you get down to those last few spoonfuls of breakfast cereal, the remaining bits tend to cluster around each other in the middle of the milk or hang on around the sides of the bowl. Why is that?

House Passes New Deal To Replace NAFTA

The US House of Representatives has been pretty busy leading up to their holiday recess, approving, among other things, a new North American trade deal to replace NAFTA.

No Raises for Half of U.S. Workers

According to a new survey, 50% of U.S. workers didn’t get pay raise this year despite the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

Winter Solstice 2019 Is This Weekend

For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, Saturday will mark the official astronomical start of winter, also known as the Winter Solstice.

Man Robs Credit Union, Buys Disguise Afterward

While there isn’t exactly a guidebook for pulling off a successful bank robbery, you’d assume purchasing a disguise before you hand the teller a note would rank pretty high on the checklist.

Facebook To Air Its First Super Bowl Commercial

Rocky is coming back to screens as Sylvester Stallone revealed that he’s reprised the role in a commercial for Facebook that’s set to air during the Super Bowl.

Russia to Appeal Doping Sanctions

Russia will appeal the four-year doping sanctions placed by the World Anti-Doping Agency. The sanctions from deleting files and faking evidence to cover up doping amongst athletes.

Cryptocurrency Investors Want Dead Executive’s Body Exhumed

Customers of the Quadriga CX cryptocurrency trade company haven’t been able to access their $250 million into their own accounts and now want the body of dead founder and CEO Gerald W. Cotten exhumed to make sure he’s really dead and not hiding somewhere with their money.

What Should You Tell Your Server ASAP?

An etiquette expert has some advice about what the first thing to tell your server at a restaurant if you are going out to eat with several people.

Methane Leak Far Larger Than Thought

According to a study published by a Dutch-American team of scientists on Monday, an accident at an Ohio fracking site was, in fact, one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded here in the states.

Holiday Wrapping Hack Blows Minds

A new holiday hack making the rounds could really help out for those who struggle when it comes to wrapping gifts.

Embarrassing Dad Becomes Toast of Twitter

Every time Courtney Payne visits her parents in Missouri, she finds her dad waiting for her at the Kansas City airport holding a sign. And now her dad and his signs have gone viral.