Virus Outbreak Closes More than 40 Colorado Schools

A highly contagious virus outbreak has caused all 42 schools in one Colorado district to close. This is the first time Mesa County’s district has shut down all of it’s schools due to illness, according to 4029 News.

Kids Who Skip Breakfast Get Lower Grades

Here’s something to consider before sending your kids off to school without eating the most important meal of the day: those who skip breakfast don’t perform as well.

Expelled LSU Student Gets 5 Years in Hazing Death

21-year-old Matthew Naquin was sentenced to five years for his part in the 2017 LSU fraternity hazing death of 18-year-old Maxwell Gruver. The fraternity made pledges drink if they answered questions about the fraternity incorrectly.

8-Year-Old Girl Shoots 12-Point Buck

A Mississippi deer hunter just took down a prized 12-point buck. Oh, and did we mention the hunter is an 8-year-old girl?

South Dakota Spends Big Bucks on Anti-Meth Campaign

While meth abuse has peaked in many parts of the country, it’s still going strong in South Dakota, where state leaders have launched a new awareness campaign to help fight the epidemic.

North Korea Not Happy With U.S.

A top North Korean official has told state media they are not interested in more talks with the U.S. because they get nothing in return.