This Is What 78 Minutes of Daily Music Can Do

While eating right and exercising are important to our health, a new study from streaming service Deezer says that we should be listening to 78 minutes of music a day for a healthy lifestyle.

Cambodia Bans Elephant Rides At Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is one of Asia’s most famous tourist attractions. But if you’re planning a visit, here’s an important travel tip – leave your elephant at home.

U.S. Budget Gap Hits $1 Trillion

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the U.S. budget gap grew 34% in the first month of the fiscal year.

CDC Identifies Two New Potentially Deadly Superbugs

A CDC report released Wednesday finds that two new “superbugs” that are resistant to antibiotics have killed twice as many people than previously reported. Overuse of antibiotics has caused some bacteria to become completely resistant.

New Zealand closer to euthanasia

Euthanasia is one major step closer to reality in New Zealand after the country’s parliament voted for legalization.

Mystery man moves liberal library books

We get it. Politics can get the best of us. Cause family riffs. Arguments in public. But moving books at the library? That’s… creative!

Oxygen Behaving Strangely on Mars

The Curiosity rover landed in Gale Crater back in 2012 and since then has been busy studying the surface of Mars.