Chicago Suburb Reschedules Halloween because of Snow

While a number of schools and cities around the country have been trying to move away from celebrating Halloween, one Chicago suburb is trying to help kids snag as much candy as they can on the upcoming holiday.

Bye-Bye Eggplant and Peach

Apparently emojis like the eggplant and peach are too dirty for Facebook and Instagram.

New Foldable Flip Phone Concept

It’s a technology yet to be perfected but it’s not stopping companies like Samsung from taking yet another swing at it.

Is Joe Biden Headed For Defeat In Iowa?

The Iowa caucus is the first big primary test for 2020 hopefuls. And some are concerned that former Vice President Joe Biden is headed for a humiliating defeat in the Hawkeye state.

Google to Buy Fitbit?

There’s a chance that Fitbit may become part of the Goggle empire.