US troops deploy to Saudi Arabia

More troops are headed to Saudi Arabia in a US effort following an attack last month on Saudi oil facilities.

Two-Thirds of Birds Face Extinction

The National Audubon Society is warning that hundreds of bird species in North America are at risk of dying out due to climate change.

Fed Approves Rules to Loosen Bank Restrictions

Many in the banking industry are very pleased with the Federal Reserves’ decision to ease restrictions that had been imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act passed in 2010.

Resolution to expel Pelosi introduced

He wants Pelosi out! Rep. Ralph Abraham introduced a resolution Tuesday to expel Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi from the House.

Painting Cows To Look Like Zebras Has A Surprising Benefit

Painting cows to look like zebras is a game-changer. Japanese scientists have discovered that the black and white surface of the painted cows’ detours flies from landing on cattle due to the drastic contrast of light.