Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000

If your employer is providing you with health insurance, it’s costing them a lot of money, matter of fact a record amount of money.

Here’s Why Expirations Dates Don’t Matter That Much

Depending on the grocery store item you purchased, the date printed on the packaging will mean different things. Here’s a tip for not just cutting down on food waste, but saving that hard-earned cash.

Former French President Jacques Chirac Dies at 86

Former French President Jacques Chirac died at his home in Paris Thursday at 86. Chirac served as President of France from 1995-2007 with a career that included strong objections to the U.S. Iraq war and an embezzlement conviction.

There might be plastic in your tea

This may be tough news to swallow. That gourmet tea you love to sip could include billions of plastic particles.

Massachusetts Bans Sale Of Vaping Products

Massachusetts is the latest state to enact a ban on e-cigarettes, declaring a four-month ban on the sale of vaping products and devices on Tuesday.

J. Michael Mendel, Simpsons and Rick & Morty Producer, Dies at 54

J. Michael Mendel, the Emmy-winning producer for Rick and Morty and The Simpsons, passed Sunday night of natural causes two days before his 55th birthday, according to The New York Post. Mendel began his career in television production for The Tracey Ullman Show in the ’80s when it began airing shorts about a family out of Springfield called the Simpsons.

Police Raid Epstein’s Mansion with “Custom Massage Room”

French authorities raided the $7 million mansion of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Monday and Tuesday as a butler of the dead billionaire says a stolen black book contains several French contacts that could be related to underage sex trafficking.

Fox News Apologizes to Greta Thunberg after “Mentally Ill” Comment

Fox News has issued a formal apology to 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg after conservative podcaster Matthew Knowles called Thunberg “a mentally ill Swedish child” during a panel discussion on The Story with Martha MacCallum.”The formal apology included “The comment made by Matthew Knowles…was disgraceful. We apologize to Greta Thunberg and our viewers.”

Can of Dry Shampoo Explodes in Car, Shatters Sunroof

After discovering the sun roof on one of their cars had been smashed out, a St. Louis family thought the vehicle had been either vandalized or struck by “something that fell from the sky.” However, the destruction proved to be an inside job — perpetrated by a can of dry shampoo.

Greta Thunberg: ‘You Are Failing Us’

In a very impassioned plea at the United Nations summit, Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg called on world leaders yesterday to take action to combat climate change.