You’re tuned to The Money Hour Radio with your hosts Mike Piershale, Ben Barzideh and Matt Nadeau. Brought to you by Piershale Financial Group of Apollon on-air and online. Tune in every Sunday afternoon at 10am right here on WLSAM 890 for The Money Hour Radio. When you have retirement in sight, sound decisions are vital in helping you pursue your retirement goals. Knowledge is power.
Money Hour Radio Disclosure
Please note that economic and performance information referenced on the Money Hour Radio is historical and may not be indicative of future results. Piershale Financial of Apollon uses a tactical investment strategy, where appropriate for its investment advisory clients. Investing with a tactical strategy involves varying degrees of risk. Uniquely and in contrast to buy & hold investing, it can involve higher transaction costs, be less tax efficient, it may not capture the full upside of the market due to an objective of reducing risk and may not perform as expected. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly on the broadcast, will be profitable or be suitable for your portfolio. No matter how the results have been historically, the potential for loss is always present.
Please note that any reference to specific buy or sell signals is based on information obtained from an unaffiliated third-party service provider that provides quantitative data specifically used toward determining buy and sell signals. Piershale Financial of Apollon has contracted with the third-party to pay for their research.
Portfolio managers that are associated with Piershale Financial of Apollon began utilizing tactical investment management in 2011. No clients of Piershale Financial of Apollon were using the signals discussed on the Money Hour Radio prior to that date. Any reference or specific mention of buy and sell signals prior to that date is gathered from data provided by the third-party provider, who was in business at the time.
Also, some broadcasts reference the hosts various interviews and appearances on local and national media. Any implication that Piershale Financial of Apollon’s advisors are experts specifically due to media coverage would be inaccurate.
Importantly, the topics discussed on the broadcasts are often complex and every individual has unique needs. Therefore, you should not assume that any discussion or information provided herein serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Piershale Financial of Apollon.
Please note that economic and performance information referenced on the Money Hour Radio is historical and may not be indicative of future results. Piershale Financial of Apollon uses a tactical investment strategy, where appropriate for its investment advisory clients. Investing with a tactical strategy involves varying degrees of risk. Uniquely and in contrast to buy & hold investing, it can involve higher transaction costs, be less tax efficient, it may not capture the full upside of the market due to an objective of reducing risk and may not perform as expected. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly on the broadcast, will be profitable or be suitable for your portfolio. No matter how the results have been historically, the potential for loss is always present.
Please note that any reference to specific buy or sell signals is based on information obtained from an unaffiliated third-party service provider that provides quantitative data specifically used toward determining buy and sell signals. Piershale Financial of Apollon has contracted with the third-party to pay for their research.
Portfolio managers that are associated with Piershale Financial of Apollon began utilizing tactical investment management in 2011. No clients of Piershale Financial of Apollon were using the signals discussed on the Money Hour Radio prior to that date. Any reference or specific mention of buy and sell signals prior to that date is gathered from data provided by the third-party provider, who was in business at the time.
Also, some broadcasts reference the hosts various interviews and appearances on local and national media. Any implication that Piershale Financial of Apollon’s advisors are experts specifically due to media coverage would be inaccurate.
Importantly, the topics discussed on the broadcasts are often complex and every individual has unique needs. Therefore, you should not assume that any discussion or information provided herein serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Piershale Financial of Apollon.